Hawawshi is a popular Egyptian street food and dish that consists of spiced ground meat (usually beef or a beef-lamb mixture) stuffed inside a flatbread, then baked or griddled until...
Homemade crispy onion rings are a classic and beloved snack or side dish known for their irresistible crunch and sweet, savory flavor. These golden-brown rings of delight are made by...
Almost nobody can resist the crispy baked bacon on a plate! This recipe allows you to make crispy, cheesy and spicy snack at home. And for sure, everyone will love...
Savory in taste from the cheese mixture, and nutritious mushrooms and spinach. This recipe is suitable for you who bored with ordinary scrambled egg recipe. Have this frittata for your...
This baked potato recipe allow you to prepare nice and healthy meal, quick and easy. You can replace the tuna with other ingredients, bacon and cheese for instance. Find the...
Homemade lasagna is always the best way out to feed your family, especially for the big members. It’s takes long time to prepare, but it’s well worth! The best thing...
This cooking recipe offer another variant to enjoy the spaghetti, from the ordinary carbonara and aglio olio. Mix the spaghetti with eggs and add other preferred ingredients to meet your...
Czech traditional pan-fried potato pancakes or Bramboráčky (bram-bor-atch-key) are another option for you to cook simple meal at your home kitchen. As you may bored with the options, this pancake...
Smooth and luscious pudding will hardly to resist, not only for kids but adults do so. Avocado and banana are well known for their health benefit. Turn them into rich...
Keep this simple recipe to prepare quick breakfast, brunch or even dessert for your tea time at home. Savory toasted bread perfectly match with sweet maple syrup. Fresh bananas and...