Onigiri, also known as rice balls or omusubi, is a popular Japanese snack or side dish made from seasoned rice that’s typically shaped into triangles, rounds, or other shapes and...
Char Kway Teow is a popular Malaysian dish consisting of stir-fried flat rice noodles cooked with a combination of seafood, meat, eggs, bean sprouts, and a flavorful sauce. It’s a...
Pork large intestine is not everyone dish, because some will prefer other parts of the pork as their meal. Some will find troublesome to do the preparation and cleaning the...
Yang Chow fried rice (Chinese egg fried rice) is one of the most popular dish in any Chinese restaurant. With this recipe in your hand, no need to worry anymore...
For some people, offal is hard thing to resist. From tripe, liver, kidney and intestine are some of the most favorite offal. This cooking recipe offer you an exciting way...
Some of us not too familiar with the main ingredient on this baked cake recipe. But tapioca or cassava is full or good fiber. Baked tapioca cake or Kuih Bingka...
In Chinese, the dish called “Tau Yu Bak” which literally means meat cooked in soy sauce. There are many ways to cook this recipe. Some prefer to get thicker soy...
Like other Asian recipe, this recipe turns sweet potato into flavorful snack. Despite the main ingredient is sweet potato, the tasty and spicy filling perfectly compensate the sweet taste from...
From now on, you can forget the taste of instant noodles. This recipe not only easy to follow, but also will bring the warm of seafood-based soul soothing rice noodles...