Braised Soy Sauce Chicken and Egg is a classic and flavorful Chinese dish that features tender chicken pieces and hard-boiled eggs braised in a savory soy sauce-based mixture. Here’s a...
Tteokbokki, also spelled as ddukbokki, is a beloved Korean dish known for its spicy and chewy rice cakes. It’s a popular street food in South Korea and is also enjoyed...
Savory in taste from the cheese mixture, and nutritious mushrooms and spinach. This recipe is suitable for you who bored with ordinary scrambled egg recipe. Have this frittata for your...
Get your snack time more interesting with this recipe. In Japan, kushikatsu is refers to street food that serve skewered meat, seafood or vegetables. The perfect timing to deep fry...
The perfect recipe to upgrade your ordinary omelet. Add some potatoes and turn your omelet into Spanish Potato Omelette. Use the good quality non-sticky fry pan to cook this Spanish...
Ajitsuke Tamago, often referred to as Ramen Egg, is a popular Japanese dish known for its flavorful and tender marinated soft-boiled or medium-boiled eggs. These eggs are a common topping...
This cooking recipe offer another variant to enjoy the spaghetti, from the ordinary carbonara and aglio olio. Mix the spaghetti with eggs and add other preferred ingredients to meet your...
Saeujeon is one of the most popular among other Korean Pancake recipes. Saeujeon provide the crispy pancake with abundant shrimps and scallions on it. Serve with sweet, sour and spicy...
Some of you who are the fans of Japanese origin cartoon character, Doraemon, surely familiar with this dessert. This pancake also known as Dorayaki. Sweet red bean paste that sandwich...
Gimbap or Kimbap is one of the signature dish from Korea. There are few types of it, from Kimchi Gimbap, Cheese Gimbap, Tuna Gimbap, Beef Gimbap and more. If you...