Char Kway Teow is a popular Malaysian dish consisting of stir-fried flat rice noodles cooked with a combination of seafood, meat, eggs, bean sprouts, and a flavorful sauce. It’s a...
When is your last time cook udon noodles by yourself? This recipe is a Japanese style of stir-fried udon noodles (Yaki Udon). Easy and not much ingredients needed. Cook this...
This Vietnamese spring roll (gỏi cuốn) is simply refreshing and healthy. It will serve as appetizer or snack during your summertime. The best part of it is you can easily...
Pad Thai is one of few food that you must try while in Thailand. That’s the reason why I share this cooking recipe. I like to prepare this stir fried...
From now on, you can forget the taste of instant noodles. This recipe not only easy to follow, but also will bring the warm of seafood-based soul soothing rice noodles...