Crispy Persian Rice, also known as Tahdig, is a flavorful and aromatic rice dish that features a golden, crispy crust on the bottom. This dish is a staple in Persian...
Nasi Tim Ayam or Indonesian-style steamed rice with chicken, involves cooking the chicken and rice separately with seasonings and then steaming them together in a bowl. The dish is uniquely...
Spanish rice is a flavorful and easy-to-make dish that is perfect for a weeknight dinner. This recipe is a delicious and comforting addition to any meal.
Thai Basil Minced Pork, or “Pad Krapow Moo Sap” in Thai, is a popular and delicious Thai dish known for its bold and spicy flavors. Here’s a description of this...
Korean Seaweed Rice Balls, also known as “Gimbap” or “Kimbap,” are a delicious and popular Korean snack or light meal made by wrapping seasoned rice and various fillings in sheets...
Oyakodon is a popular Japanese one-bowl meal that consists of chicken and egg simmered together in a savory broth and served over a bowl of steamed rice. The name “oyakodon”...
Tinutuan or Manado Porridge is a typical Indonesian food from Manado, North Sulawesi. There are also those who say that tinutuan is a typical food of Minahasa, North Sulawesi.
Making Japanese curry with instant spices in the form of blocks is indeed more practical. You just need to stir-fry the ingredients with the spices and add the water.