This recipe is basically a Japanese style of fried rice that wrapped in omelette. It’s suitable for you who quite bored with ordinary scrambled egg in fried rice. Kids will...
Yang Chow fried rice (Chinese egg fried rice) is one of the most popular dish in any Chinese restaurant. With this recipe in your hand, no need to worry anymore...
Gimbap or Kimbap is one of the signature dish from Korea. There are few types of it, from Kimchi Gimbap, Cheese Gimbap, Tuna Gimbap, Beef Gimbap and more. If you...
Asian cooking recipe offers us more choices, even for simple dish like fried rice. With this recipe you no longer hesitate to cook fried rice with your leftover rice.
There are few factors need to remember to cook the best fried rice. From the rice preparation to the frying pan/wok temperature. Perfect fried rice is all about the texture,...
This wonderfully herby butter gives festive greens loads of flavour, and you can prep it in advance. This wonderfully herby butter gives festive greens loads of flavour, and you can...