Spicy stir-fried tempeh with fern is a vibrant and enticing dish that combines the bold flavors of tempeh with the unique essence of fresh fern fronds. This vegetarian stir-fry features...
Fried oyster mushrooms are a delightful and crispy snack or side dish made by coating oyster mushroom slices in a seasoned batter and frying them until golden brown. Here’s a...
Kurkuri bhindi, also known as fried okra, is a popular Indian side dish or snack made from thinly sliced okra (bhindi) coated in a spiced gram flour (besan) batter and...
Thai Firecracker Shrimp is a flavorful and spicy Thai-inspired dish that features succulent shrimp coated in a spicy and aromatic sauce. It’s known for its explosive flavor, which combines the...
Homemade crispy onion rings are a classic and beloved snack or side dish known for their irresistible crunch and sweet, savory flavor. These golden-brown rings of delight are made by...
All the eggplant lovers surely will love this dish. This recipe is a perfect alternative to enjoy the eggplant with hot steamed rice, either white or brown rice. Add some...
This cooking recipe is the ultimate way to enjoy cheesy corn with simple steps. Enjoy this dish as your chilled beer companion during your gathering with your friends and families....
Almost nobody can resist the crispy baked bacon on a plate! This recipe allows you to make crispy, cheesy and spicy snack at home. And for sure, everyone will love...
This recipe is about to create basic sambal matah. You can use this sambal as a condiment for your favorite dishes. It’s best when it serve alongside fried chicken or fried...
Get your snack time more interesting with this recipe. In Japan, kushikatsu is refers to street food that serve skewered meat, seafood or vegetables. The perfect timing to deep fry...