Greek fried eggplant is one of popular dish especially during the summer time. Easy to prepare and this vegetable also rich in many nutrients and antioxidants as well.
Indonesian style stuffed tofu or they call Tahu Isi, is one of favorite fritter. Suitable for side dish and good companion during tea time. You can change the stuffing ingredients...
Ajitsuke Tamago, often referred to as Ramen Egg, is a popular Japanese dish known for its flavorful and tender marinated soft-boiled or medium-boiled eggs. These eggs are a common topping...
Czech traditional pan-fried potato pancakes or Bramboráčky (bram-bor-atch-key) are another option for you to cook simple meal at your home kitchen. As you may bored with the options, this pancake...
The beauty of preparing this type of Korean soup is the broth options to cook. Beef broth, chicken broth, pork broth, anchovy broth or even just simply water. The simplicity...
One of unique food in Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia is Tempe (tempeh) and it’s made from fermented soybeans. There are several ways to cook and serve Tempe, one of...
This recipe allows you to cook one of the most favorite Thai dish at your own convenient. The key factors of this recipe is perfect marinade chicken with fragrant pandan...
In Asia we can easily find water spinach at river bank, yet some of fresh market also selling this vegetable. Water spinach literally called kangkung. Based on medical research, water...
Like other Asian recipe, this recipe turns sweet potato into flavorful snack. Despite the main ingredient is sweet potato, the tasty and spicy filling perfectly compensate the sweet taste from...
Feel sick with potato fries or potato wedges? This cassava based fritter is one of the best replacement. Easy to prepare and cook, fried cassava also goes well with your...