Bakwan Jagung or also known as Sate Jagung and Perkedel Jagung in other regions of Indonesia is a tasty, crunchy and easy-to-cook fritter. Jagung literally means corn in Indonesian, both...
This traditional boxty recipe contains a mixture of mashed potatoes and grated raw potatoes which offer you a unique texture from any other pancakes for your breakfast.
The sensation you will experience from this sweet dessert is mildly sweet taste meet with slightly crispy texture on the outside, while soft and chewy on the inside. Makes them...
Wanted to have abundant power like Popeye to through your busy and tiring days? Perhaps you should start to include spinach soup on your daily meals. Spinach is low in...
Sweet potatoes are great non-starchy carbohydrate and contain more vitamin C than regular potatoes which needed and utilise daily by our bodies. And crispy sweet potato fries are one of the...
Pumpkin soup can be made in a variety of ways, some recipes involve the use of cream which adding more calories on every each bowl of it. This pumpkin soup...
Mashed potatoes are usually at the top list for the foods to avoid due the calories on it despite plain potatoes are low in calories. With this recipe in your...
Despite the quail eggs have dangerous potential for people with elevated cholesterol, but generally they are considered very healthy. In fact, compared to chicken eggs, quail eggs have six times...
Despite chicken hearts are easy and quick to cook, some people thought should avoid chicken hearts as it is an offal food. However, chicken hearts also bring health benefit for...
This homemade fried breaded calamari with marinara sauce recipe surely not only easy and quick, but also will be favorite to all family members once you plate this crispy dish.