Quick and easy way to cook dessert soup which perfectly combine sweet potatoes and ginger. This recipe fulfill the needs to get warm dessert in the simple way, and vegetarian...
From now on, you can forget the taste of instant noodles. This recipe not only easy to follow, but also will bring the warm of seafood-based soul soothing rice noodles...
Some of you perhaps still remember how Popeye gains the extra strength after ate a can of spinach? The nutrient value in spinach is widely known, especially rich in iron....
This legendary dish from East Java province of Indonesia offer the fresh soup full of spices. One of the key spice is keluak nuts which come from the kepayang tree of...
Wanted to have abundant power like Popeye to through your busy and tiring days? Perhaps you should start to include spinach soup on your daily meals. Spinach is low in...
Pumpkin soup can be made in a variety of ways, some recipes involve the use of cream which adding more calories on every each bowl of it. This pumpkin soup...
Some other countries serve the meatball in a different way and use different meat. The most well known in Indonesia is beef meatball. Not only the meat, they comes with...
From generation to generation, this recipe is well known to refresh our body from fatigue. It is clearly thanks to the natural spices on its ingredients apart from its nutritious...
Although only few ingredients of French onion soup, but it taste rich of flavorful beef broth. Some will top the toasted baguette with too much cheese, but that’s not the...
This recipe will help some mothers to provide alternative healthy menu for their beloved kids. Broccoli are known for their beneficial health effects, from promote gut health from its fiber...