Sloppy Joes are a popular American sandwich filling made from ground meat, typically beef, cooked with a tomato-based sauce and served on a hamburger bun. The mixture is savory, slightly...
Chicken with pan sauce and salad is a delicious and well-balanced meal that combines tender chicken, a flavorful pan sauce, and a refreshing salad. Here’s a description of this classic...
Homemade crispy onion rings are a classic and beloved snack or side dish known for their irresistible crunch and sweet, savory flavor. These golden-brown rings of delight are made by...
Almost nobody can resist the crispy baked bacon on a plate! This recipe allows you to make crispy, cheesy and spicy snack at home. And for sure, everyone will love...
Seafoods sometimes can be tricky to prepare at your own kitchen. However, scallops is pretty easy to handle. Deep fried scallops is good companion for French fries during your snack...
This baked potato recipe allow you to prepare nice and healthy meal, quick and easy. You can replace the tuna with other ingredients, bacon and cheese for instance. Find the...
Let’s put aside the argument regarding the origins of Eggnog, either it’s British or American. In this recipe, the eggnog prepare without any cooking process. If you are sensitive with...
Breaded chicken cutlet, a simple dish which can be tricky if we don’t know how to prepare it well. In this recipe, you will be able to serve the best...
Smooth and luscious pudding will hardly to resist, not only for kids but adults do so. Avocado and banana are well known for their health benefit. Turn them into rich...
Never too old-fashioned to serve simple homemade macaroni and cheese for your dinner! The best way to serve is to bake them fresh, but keep the leftovers and re-heat anytime...