Follow this cooking recipe to add more value than serving the ordinary mashed potatoes. With the melted cheese on top and crispy bacon, it’s a guarantee to have a satisfying...
Pizza chains do their jobs very impressive to satisfy our hunger. Only one finger away and your favorite pizza will be at your end. Despite all the convenience offered, make...
Cooking whole squid with this simple recipe surely will impressed your loved one. This seafood-based dishes not only nice looking but also serve good taste!
Serve this delicious snack with chilled beer on your meet up with friends and family at home with less effort. This recipe will allow you to cook the chicken wings...
One of all time summertime staple, potato salad. A mix of tender potatoes chunks with hard boiled eggs in mayonnaise dressing which bring your summertime picnic to perfect. This easy...
Sweet potatoes are great non-starchy carbohydrate and contain more vitamin C than regular potatoes which needed and utilise daily by our bodies. And crispy sweet potato fries are one of the...
Pumpkin soup can be made in a variety of ways, some recipes involve the use of cream which adding more calories on every each bowl of it. This pumpkin soup...
Mashed potatoes are usually at the top list for the foods to avoid due the calories on it despite plain potatoes are low in calories. With this recipe in your...
Yes, who can resist crispy on the outside with tender inside of this homemade potato wedges? As your favorite side dishes or just to company your movie-watching experience, crispy potato...