Braised Soy Sauce Chicken and Egg is a classic and flavorful Chinese dish that features tender chicken pieces and hard-boiled eggs braised in a savory soy sauce-based mixture. Here’s a...
Winter melon soup is a nourishing and soothing Chinese soup made from winter melon, a pale green fruit with a mild, refreshing flavor. This soup is enjoyed in various Asian...
Pork large intestine is not everyone dish, because some will prefer other parts of the pork as their meal. Some will find troublesome to do the preparation and cleaning the...
All the eggplant lovers surely will love this dish. This recipe is a perfect alternative to enjoy the eggplant with hot steamed rice, either white or brown rice. Add some...
This recipe is the Chinese style to cook beef and green pepper stir fry. Simple recipe to get the best of marinated beef. To get the best result of this...
This recipe is not for everyone, but if you are fancy to eat something different than just meat, it’s perfect for you. It’s takes time to cook this soy braised...
This recipe is the right choice for you who love spicy food. With the balance of tender tofu and crisp pork, one bowl of white steamed rice is not enough.
Yang Chow fried rice (Chinese egg fried rice) is one of the most popular dish in any Chinese restaurant. With this recipe in your hand, no need to worry anymore...
Sweet and sour pork ribs (糖醋小排 – tang cu xiao pai) is one of the famous Shanghai dish which is best to serve as appetizer. This recipe allows you to...
For some people, offal is hard thing to resist. From tripe, liver, kidney and intestine are some of the most favorite offal. This cooking recipe offer you an exciting way...