Chicken fried steak, also known as country fried steak, is a classic Southern comfort food dish that features a tenderized and breaded steak cutlet served with creamy gravy. Here’s a...
The perfect recipe to upgrade your ordinary omelet. Add some potatoes and turn your omelet into Spanish Potato Omelette. Use the good quality non-sticky fry pan to cook this Spanish...
Czech traditional pan-fried potato pancakes or Bramboráčky (bram-bor-atch-key) are another option for you to cook simple meal at your home kitchen. As you may bored with the options, this pancake...
Most of Korean cuisines are bold in taste and spicy. This recipe balancing the rich and spicy chicken broth with tender vegetables. Despite the potatoes provide enough carbohydrate, this dish...
This traditional boxty recipe contains a mixture of mashed potatoes and grated raw potatoes which offer you a unique texture from any other pancakes for your breakfast.
This Indonesian style of chicken galantine is different with the original French galantine. On this recipe, the cylinder-shape chicken meat serve with side dishes in sweet and sour sauce. The...