Likewise other Thai cuisine, Tom Yum, this recipe also offer sour and spicy taste. Tamarind is common ingredient use in Thailand to cook some dishes. With the unique Asian flavor...
Satay is Southeast Asian dish where the meat is seasoned, skewered on bamboo stick and grilled over the hot charcoal. Not only in Thailand, satay also can be found in...
Some called it pancake, yet some people also called it crepes and omelette. One thing for sure, this Vietnamese street food is completely must try! A perfect combination of crispy...
Asian cooking recipe offers us more choices, even for simple dish like fried rice. With this recipe you no longer hesitate to cook fried rice with your leftover rice.
Som Tum is one of the popular dish in Thailand, originated from North Eastern part. The combination of spicy, sour and sweet flavors makes this dish a classic and popular....
There are few factors need to remember to cook the best fried rice. From the rice preparation to the frying pan/wok temperature. Perfect fried rice is all about the texture,...