A Delmonico steak, also known as a New York strip steak, is a classic and flavorful cut of beef that’s well-marbled and typically boneless. It’s a popular choice at steakhouses...
Beef and broccoli is an easy and simple cooking recipe. Enjoy this Chinese style beef and broccoli recipe to prepare main dish for your lunch or dinner. It’s best serve...
Tteokbokki, also spelled as ddukbokki, is a beloved Korean dish known for its spicy and chewy rice cakes. It’s a popular street food in South Korea and is also enjoyed...
When is your last time cook udon noodles by yourself? This recipe is a Japanese style of stir-fried udon noodles (Yaki Udon). Easy and not much ingredients needed. Cook this...
This recipe is basically a Japanese style of fried rice that wrapped in omelette. It’s suitable for you who quite bored with ordinary scrambled egg in fried rice. Kids will...
The best traditional recipe for your to cook Korean fried chicken. What make Dakgangjeong so special? You expect a crispy fried chicken glazed in a spicy sweet and sour sauce...
Yang Chow fried rice (Chinese egg fried rice) is one of the most popular dish in any Chinese restaurant. With this recipe in your hand, no need to worry anymore...
Ajitsuke Tamago, often referred to as Ramen Egg, is a popular Japanese dish known for its flavorful and tender marinated soft-boiled or medium-boiled eggs. These eggs are a common topping...
For some people, offal is hard thing to resist. From tripe, liver, kidney and intestine are some of the most favorite offal. This cooking recipe offer you an exciting way...
Grilling your favorite seafood could be fun. And this recipe will let the shrimp lover smile from ear to ear. Easy way to prepare grilled shrimps with extraordinary flavor. The...