Pork large intestine is not everyone dish, because some will prefer other parts of the pork as their meal. Some will find troublesome to do the preparation and cleaning the...
All the eggplant lovers surely will love this dish. This recipe is a perfect alternative to enjoy the eggplant with hot steamed rice, either white or brown rice. Add some...
This recipe is the Chinese style to cook beef and green pepper stir fry. Simple recipe to get the best of marinated beef. To get the best result of this...
Nasi lemak is undoubtedly the most popular dish in Malaysia. However, this dish also popular amongst Singaporean and Bruneian. The benefits of homemade recipe is you are in control to...
Mozzarella sticks is much more better if you prepare yourself. All you need to do is just prepare few ingredients, and follow the steps to make a better mozzarella sticks.
Not only Indonesia, this snack also popular in Malaysia and Singapore. However it may slightly different for the ingredients. The green color which obtained from the pandan juice, and sweet...
This recipe is not for everyone, but if you are fancy to eat something different than just meat, it’s perfect for you. It’s takes time to cook this soy braised...
Get your snack time more interesting with this recipe. In Japan, kushikatsu is refers to street food that serve skewered meat, seafood or vegetables. The perfect timing to deep fry...
This recipe is the right choice for you who love spicy food. With the balance of tender tofu and crisp pork, one bowl of white steamed rice is not enough.
How to make fried banana? This recipe will provide you the answer. Fried banana or pisang goreng in local language, is one of the most popular snacks in Indonesia. In...