Fried ripe jackfruit would be the suitable snack for you, if you’re in vegan or keto diet. The sweet and its fiber-like texture is often consider as a meat substitute....
Filipino chicken adobo is basically a chicken stew. And the word “Adobo” literally means marinade or sauce in Spanish. The balance of soy sauce, vinegar and sugar create sticky glaze...
Homemade lasagna is always the best way out to feed your family, especially for the big members. It’s takes long time to prepare, but it’s well worth! The best thing...
Indonesian style stuffed tofu or they call Tahu Isi, is one of favorite fritter. Suitable for side dish and good companion during tea time. You can change the stuffing ingredients...
In Southeast Asian, fish head curry are immensely popular in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. There are few different recipe to cook this dish that origins from south Indian. Various spices...
Ajitsuke Tamago, often referred to as Ramen Egg, is a popular Japanese dish known for its flavorful and tender marinated soft-boiled or medium-boiled eggs. These eggs are a common topping...
The beauty of preparing this type of Korean soup is the broth options to cook. Beef broth, chicken broth, pork broth, anchovy broth or even just simply water. The simplicity...
Some of us not too familiar with the main ingredient on this baked cake recipe. But tapioca or cassava is full or good fiber. Baked tapioca cake or Kuih Bingka...
Sweet dessert is the favorite menu for everyone. And this recipe is a sweet alternative way to cook porridge, because the savory taste from coconut milk and rice flour goes...
Saeujeon is one of the most popular among other Korean Pancake recipes. Saeujeon provide the crispy pancake with abundant shrimps and scallions on it. Serve with sweet, sour and spicy...