Yakisoba is a popular Japanese stir-fried noodle dish made with thin wheat noodles, vegetables, and a savory sauce. It’s a flavorful and satisfying dish that’s quick and easy to prepare....
Sauteed prawns, also known as sauteed shrimp, is a mouthwatering and versatile seafood dish. This dish involves cooking large prawns or shrimp in a skillet with various flavor-enhancing ingredients. Here’s...
This Vietnamese spring roll (gỏi cuốn) is simply refreshing and healthy. It will serve as appetizer or snack during your summertime. The best part of it is you can easily...
Grilling your favorite seafood could be fun. And this recipe will let the shrimp lover smile from ear to ear. Easy way to prepare grilled shrimps with extraordinary flavor. The...
Saeujeon is one of the most popular among other Korean Pancake recipes. Saeujeon provide the crispy pancake with abundant shrimps and scallions on it. Serve with sweet, sour and spicy...
Likewise other Thai cuisine, Tom Yum, this recipe also offer sour and spicy taste. Tamarind is common ingredient use in Thailand to cook some dishes. With the unique Asian flavor...