Enjoy the rich, savory flavors of this traditional Creamy Chicken Liver recipe, perfect for a comforting meal. This dish combines tender chicken livers with a velvety cream-based sauce, creating a...
Then there is the recipe for Japanese fried noodles or yakisoba. This is a food that is easily found in the street stalls of festivals in the land of cherry...
“Kupat Tahu” is a traditional Indonesian dish that combines two key elements: “kupat” (compressed rice cake) and “tahu” (tofu). It’s a popular street food dish in Indonesia and can be...
When is your last time cook udon noodles by yourself? This recipe is a Japanese style of stir-fried udon noodles (Yaki Udon). Easy and not much ingredients needed. Cook this...
Indonesian style stuffed tofu or they call Tahu Isi, is one of favorite fritter. Suitable for side dish and good companion during tea time. You can change the stuffing ingredients...
Ebi Fry is one of the most popular Japanese-style western dish in Japan. In fact in almost every Japanese restaurant also offer you this crispy delicacy. With this recipe, you...