Thai Firecracker Shrimp is a flavorful and spicy Thai-inspired dish that features succulent shrimp coated in a spicy and aromatic sauce. It’s known for its explosive flavor, which combines the...
The best traditional recipe for your to cook Korean fried chicken. What make Dakgangjeong so special? You expect a crispy fried chicken glazed in a spicy sweet and sour sauce...
Grilling your favorite seafood could be fun. And this recipe will let the shrimp lover smile from ear to ear. Easy way to prepare grilled shrimps with extraordinary flavor. The...
We know that salmon is one of the most nutritious food on Earth. Some research says, at least there are 11 health benefits of salmon. One of the most popular...
Some of you who are the fans of Japanese origin cartoon character, Doraemon, surely familiar with this dessert. This pancake also known as Dorayaki. Sweet red bean paste that sandwich...
Keep this simple recipe to prepare quick breakfast, brunch or even dessert for your tea time at home. Savory toasted bread perfectly match with sweet maple syrup. Fresh bananas and...
Are you looking for a recipe with common main ingredients and yet easy to prepare? This recipe is an easy way to cook chicken, broccoli and carrots into a tasty...