Indonesian Grilled Rice with Chicken or also known as nasi bakar ayam is a popular Indonesian dish made with rice, chicken, and spices, wrapped in banana leaves and grilled to...
Chicken Cordon Bleu is a classic and indulgent dish consisting of tender chicken breasts stuffed with ham and cheese, breaded, and then baked or fried until golden brown and crispy....
Braised Soy Sauce Chicken and Egg is a classic and flavorful Chinese dish that features tender chicken pieces and hard-boiled eggs braised in a savory soy sauce-based mixture. Here’s a...
Filipino chicken adobo is basically a chicken stew. And the word “Adobo” literally means marinade or sauce in Spanish. The balance of soy sauce, vinegar and sugar create sticky glaze...
Almost every country in this world has their own snack, and certain snacks have their unique taste. Coxinha is unique chicken croquette from Brazil and suitable in almost all occasion...
Most of Korean cuisines are bold in taste and spicy. This recipe balancing the rich and spicy chicken broth with tender vegetables. Despite the potatoes provide enough carbohydrate, this dish...
Are you looking for a recipe with common main ingredients and yet easy to prepare? This recipe is an easy way to cook chicken, broccoli and carrots into a tasty...
Chicken feet are often left behind while we’re eating chicken dishes. Chinese believes in health benefit for eating chicken feet for our joint and bone development. Serve this dish with...
There are several ways and recipes to cook the chicken gizzard in Asia. Specifically in Chinese cuisine, one of the way to cook is stir frying the gizzard. The combination...
Serve this delicious snack with chilled beer on your meet up with friends and family at home with less effort. This recipe will allow you to cook the chicken wings...