Sweet dessert is the favorite menu for everyone. And this recipe is a sweet alternative way to cook porridge, because the savory taste from coconut milk and rice flour goes...
One of unique food in Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia is Tempe (tempeh) and it’s made from fermented soybeans. There are several ways to cook and serve Tempe, one of...
In Asia we can easily find water spinach at river bank, yet some of fresh market also selling this vegetable. Water spinach literally called kangkung. Based on medical research, water...
Sanggara Balanda literally means Dutch Fried Banana. Despite this recipe is traditional snack from Indonesia, particularly in South Sulawesi, but they believe there is Dutch influence on it. It is because...
Not only the fruit, papaya leaves are edible and rich in nutrition. There are some recipes to cook papaya leaves, especially in Asia. Some are cooked as a soup with...
Some of you perhaps still remember how Popeye gains the extra strength after ate a can of spinach? The nutrient value in spinach is widely known, especially rich in iron....
Bakwan Jagung or also known as Sate Jagung and Perkedel Jagung in other regions of Indonesia is a tasty, crunchy and easy-to-cook fritter. Jagung literally means corn in Indonesian, both...
Ice cendol is one of the most favourite desserts in Malaysia which serve an exotic combination of shaved ice, palm sugar syrup, coconut milk, kidney beans, creamed corn and the...
Indonesian Rice Flour Pancake or Serabi Solo is a traditional dessert that passes down from generation to generation in Indonesia, particularly in Java island. Savoury taste meets with sweet flavour...
This legendary dish from East Java province of Indonesia offer the fresh soup full of spices. One of the key spice is keluak nuts which come from the kepayang tree of...