Gimbap or Kimbap is one of the signature dish from Korea. There are few types of it, from Kimchi Gimbap, Cheese Gimbap, Tuna Gimbap, Beef Gimbap and more. If you...
Like other Asian recipe, this recipe turns sweet potato into flavorful snack. Despite the main ingredient is sweet potato, the tasty and spicy filling perfectly compensate the sweet taste from...
Feel sick with potato fries or potato wedges? This cassava based fritter is one of the best replacement. Easy to prepare and cook, fried cassava also goes well with your...
This recipe for Crispy Fried Enoki Mushroom Tempura is a delicious and versatile plant-based stir-fry that is sure to please even the most discerning palate. This recipe is just one...
It’s been ages that banana is favorite snack on tea time in Indonesia. Fried banana, steamed banana and grilled banana, goes well with a cup of hot tea or hot...
Serve this delicious snack with chilled beer on your meet up with friends and family at home with less effort. This recipe will allow you to cook the chicken wings...
This traditional boxty recipe contains a mixture of mashed potatoes and grated raw potatoes which offer you a unique texture from any other pancakes for your breakfast.
The sensation you will experience from this sweet dessert is mildly sweet taste meet with slightly crispy texture on the outside, while soft and chewy on the inside. Makes them...
Sweet potatoes are great non-starchy carbohydrate and contain more vitamin C than regular potatoes which needed and utilise daily by our bodies. And crispy sweet potato fries are one of the...
Yes, who can resist crispy on the outside with tender inside of this homemade potato wedges? As your favorite side dishes or just to company your movie-watching experience, crispy potato...